



プラットフォーム:Android, macOS, Windows

クラス: デスクトップ, アフィン変換, タブコンポーネント



If you need help with this step in each of these sections, see チュートリアルProjucerパート1:Projucerを始める.

The demo projects


  • メインコンポーネント内の子コンポーネントのサイズ変更。
  • トランスフォームを使用したメインコンポーネントのサイズ変更。
  • 方向によって異なるコンポーネントのレイアウトを設計する。
  • サイズごとに異なるコンポーネントレイアウトを設計。

Android screen sizes


  • 物理的サイズ: The physical size of the screen measure in standard units of measure (the common measure being the distance across the diagonal of the screen, measured in inches).
  • 決議: The screen resolution measured in pixels.
  • オリエンテーション: The device orientation, whether landscape or portrait.

The relationship between the physical size and the resolution is important. It is especially important when considering high resolution screens where the physical pixels are smaller, and more densely packed, than standard resolution screens. The combination of a particular physical screen size and its resolution results in the screen's ドット・パー・インチ (DPI). This is related to the screen ピクセル密度. This is how many physical pixels take up the space of a "software" pixel, in each dimension, as a pixel on a standard density screen.


By default, JUCE scales its coordinate system based on the pixel density of the screen. This means that shapes and text drawn on a high density screen should appear roughly the same physical size as they do on standard density screens. In JUCE, you can access information about a particular display via the デスクトップ class. Here you can find the available displays and which one is marked as the "main display" (especially if there are multiple displays).

Unfortunately, the value that JUCE can access to obtain the display's DPI is only an approximation (since not all screen devices report this information properly). This means we can't measure the physical size of the user's screen accurately. But the information provided by the デスクトップ class should be good enough as a guide for scaling your user interface depending on the needs of your application.

In each of the examples that follow we use a child component, called リサイジングコンプ, that is managed and resized by the parent component (メインコンテンツコンポーネント).



Resizing child components (simple resize)

Download the demo project for this section here: ピップ | ジップ. Unzip the project and open the first header file in the Projucer.


Simple resizing of child components: Portrait
Simple resizing of child components: Portrait


Simple resizing of child components: Landscape
Simple resizing of child components: Landscape

Arrays of components

To store the buttons and sliders in the リサイジングコンプ class we use the 所有配列 template class (which means that these child components will be deleted automatically in the リサイジングコンプ destructor). First, in the リサイジングコンプ constructor, we build an array of カラー objects. These are used to set the colours of the buttons, the slider thumbs, and the slider tracks:

juce::Arraycolours { juce::Colour (0xffb3c3Da), juce::Colour (0xff5973b8), juce::Colour (0xffd65667), juce::Colour (0xffd99154)、
juce::Colour (0xffe5ad6c), juce::Colour (0xffecc664), juce::Colour (0xffefe369), juce::Colour (0xffdddB74) };


We then use a for() loop to allocate and configure the multiple buttons:

for (auto i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
auto* button = buttons.add (new juce::TextButton (juce::String ("Button ") + juce::String (i + 1)));
addAndMakeVisible (button);

button->setColour (juce::TextButton::buttonColourId、
colours.getUnchecked (i % colors.size()));


for (auto i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
auto* slider = sliders.add (new juce::Slider());
addAndMakeVisible (slider);

slider->setColour (juce::Slider::thumbColourId、
colours.getUnchecked ((buttons.size() + i) % colors.size()));
slider->setColour (juce::Slider::backgroundColourId、
colours.getUnchecked ((buttons.size() + i + 2) % colors.size()).withAlpha (0.4f));
slider->setColour (juce::Slider::trackColourId、
colors.getUnchecked ((buttons.size() + i + 2) % colors.size()));
slider->setColour (juce::Slider::textBoxTextColourId, juce::Colours::black);

Using a custom slider thumb size

In order to be more usable with a touchscreen interface the slider thumb has been customised so that it is usually larger than the standard size. To do this we have added a subclass of the LookAndFeel_V4 and overridden the LookAndFeel::getSliderThumbRadius() function.

class CustomLookAndFeel : public juce::LookAndFeel_V4
int getSliderThumbRadius (juce::Slider& slider) override
return juce::jmin (slider.getWidth(), slider.getHeight()) / 2;

We add an instance of this class as a member of our リサイジングコンプ class:

        juce::OwnedArray buttons;
CustomLookAndFeel lf;

And at the end of our リサイジングコンプ constructor we set this as our look-and-feel for this component and all of its children.

And in our リサイジングコンプ destructor we set this to nullptr.

setLookAndFeel (nullptr);

Resizing the buttons and sliders

In the ResizingComp::resized() function we iterate over the arrays of buttons and sliders and set their bounds:

void resized() override
auto space = 8;
auto widgetHeight = (getHeight() - space) / (buttons.size() + sliders.size()) - space;

for (auto* button : buttons)
button->setBounds (space, space + (widgetHeight + space) * buttons.indexOf (button)、
getWidth() - space - space, widgetHeight);

for (auto* slider : sliders)
slider->setBounds (space, space + (widgetHeight + space) * (sliders.indexOf (slider) + buttons.size())、
getWidth() - space - space, widgetHeight);

ここでは、定数値(8)を使用してコンポーネントを分離します。そして、利用可能な高さと "ウィジェット"(ボタンとスライダー)の数に基づいて "ウィジェットの高さ "を計算します。


Simple resizing when the screen is too small
Simple resizing when the screen is too small



Resizing the main component using a transform

Download the demo project for this section here: ピップ | ジップ. Unzip the project and open the first header file in the Projucer.

This example uses an alternative to resizing the child components. Instead, the リサイジングコンプ component is set to a nominal size (480 by 640 pixels) and then the メインコンテンツコンポーネント object applies an affine transform to scale this up or down to match the screen size. This is done while keeping the same aspect ratio (leaving whitespace to the side or above and below the sliders and buttons). The code for the リサイジングコンプ class is the same as for the シンプル・リサイズ example. But in the MainContentComponent::resized() function we set the size of the リサイジングコンプ component then calculate the required transform:

    void resized() override
auto contentWidth = 480;
auto contentHeight = 640;

auto scaleX = (float) getWidth() / static_cast (contentWidth);
auto scaleY = (float) getHeight() / static_cast(contentHeight);
auto scale = juce::jmin (scaleX, scaleY);

resizingComp->setTransform (juce::AffineTransform::scale (scale, scale));
resizingComp->centreWithSize (contentWidth, contentHeight);

This code calculates the ratio between our nominal size and the actual size of the screen in software pixels. It then chooses the smallest of these ratios in order to maintain the aspect ratio, while keeping all of the content onscreen. We then create an instance of the アフィン変換 class using the AffineTransform::scale() function and centre the scale transform around the centre of the screen. The transform is applied to the component using the Component::setTransform() function. The result is quite different from the シンプル・リサイズ method.

Scaling the whole UI using a transform showing both portrait and landscape orientations
Scaling the whole UI using a transform showing both portrait and landscape orientations


Designing different layouts for different orientations

Download the demo project for this section here: ピップ | ジップ. Unzip the project and open the first header file in the Projucer.

This example looks at one method of displaying a different layout depending on the orientation of the screen (or device). The Desktop::getCurrentOrientation() function provides means of accessing the device orientation. In fact, there are four possible orientations:

  • アップライト(ポートレート)。
  • 逆さま(ポートレートを180度回転させたもの)。
  • デバイスを時計回りに90度回転(横向きの1バージョン)。
  • デバイスを反時計回りに90度回転(横向きの別バージョン)。


This example uses the same technique for scaling the user interface トランスフォーム that we saw earlier. The differences are that this リサイジングコンプ class uses a different layout depending on the orientation, and the メインコンテンツコンポーネント class has two nominal sizes (one for landscape orientation and one for portrait orientation). The orientation is determined in the MainContentComponent::resized() function:

void resized() override
auto isLandscape = getWidth() > getHeight();
auto contentWidth = isLandscape ?640 : 480;
auto contentHeight = isLandscape ?480 : 640;

Then, in the ResizingComp::resized() function we select from two resizing functions depending on the orientation:

void resized() override
if (getHeight() > getWidth())

The リサイズポートレイト() and リサイズランドスケープ() functions then use different arithmetic to layout the buttons and sliders.


Using a different layout in landscape orientation
Using a different layout in landscape orientation

Change the code to use the Desktop::getCurrentOrientation() function to determine the screen orientation, rather than comparing the width and height of the screen.

Designing different layouts for different screen sizes

Download the demo project for this section here: ピップ | ジップ. Unzip the project and open the first header file in the Projucer.

This final example uses different layouts for different screen orientations and screen sizes. This kind of technique might be especially useful if you want to use a totally different layout for screen orientations or even make a universal application for Android phones and tablets. The method employed here is to use the タブコンポーネント class to arrange pages of components if they won't fit onto a single page.

The responsibility of the リサイジングコンプ class changes a little in this project compared to the three earlier projects. In particular, we don't add the buttons and sliders as direct child components. Notice the lack of calls to the Component::addAndMakeVisible() function in the following code for the constructor:

juce::Arraycolours { juce::Colour (0xffb3c3Da), juce::Colour (0xff5973b8), juce::Colour (0xffd65667), juce::Colour (0xffd99154)、
juce::Colour (0xffe5ad6c), juce::Colour (0xffecc664), juce::Colour (0xffefe369), juce::Colour (0xffdddB74) };

for (auto i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
auto* button = buttons.add (new juce::TextButton (juce::String ("Button ") + juce::String (i + 1)));

button->setColour (juce::TextButton::buttonColourId、
colours.getUnchecked (i % colors.size()));

for (auto i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
auto* slider = sliders.add (new juce::Slider());

slider->setColour (juce::Slider::thumbColourId、
colours.getUnchecked ((buttons.size() + i) % colors.size()));
slider->setColour (juce::Slider::backgroundColourId、
colours.getUnchecked ((buttons.size() + i + 2) % colors.size()).withAlpha (0.4f));
slider->setColour (juce::Slider::trackColourId、
colors.getUnchecked ((buttons.size() + i + 2) % colors.size()));
slider->setColour (juce::Slider::textBoxTextColourId, juce::Colours::black);

setLookAndFeel (&lf);

The リサイジングコンプ class manages the lifetime of the buttons and sliders but in terms of component hierarchy they are added to one or more instances of another component class called コンポーネントホルダー.

Laying out the components

The コンポーネントホルダー class holds an array of コンポーネント pointers and lays the components out in one or two columns depending on the orientation. (The technique for achieving this layout was covered earlier when looking at different 画面の向き.) There is a single function—(ComponentHolder::addComp()—for adding a component that adds it to the internal array and calls Component::addAndMakeVisible():

void addComp (Component* comp)
comps.add (comp);
addAndMakeVisible (comp);

The layout functions—ResizingComp::resizedPortrait() and ResizingComp::resizedLandscape()—should look familiar. Although these need to be slightly different since we no longer have separate arrays of sliders and buttons:

void resizedPortrait()
auto space = 8;
auto widgetHeight = (getHeight() - space) / comps.size() - space;

for (auto* comp : comps)
comp->setBounds (space, space + (widgetHeight + space) * comps.indexOf (comp)、
getWidth() - space - space, widgetHeight);

void resizedLandscape()
auto space = 8;
auto halfComps = comps.size() / 2;
auto widgetHeight = (getHeight() - space) / halfComps - space;

for (auto* comp : comps)
auto index = comps.indexOf (comp);

if (index < halfComps)
comp->setBounds (space, space + (widgetHeight + space) * index、
getWidth() / 2 - space - space, widgetHeight);
comp->setBounds (getWidth() / 2 + space, space + (widgetHeight + space) * (index - halfComps)、
getWidth() / 2 - space - space, widgetHeight);

Choosing single or multiple pages

If the screen size is large, then only one of these コンポーネントホルダー components is created and all of the buttons and sliders are added to it. If the screen size is small then the リサイジングコンプ class uses a タブコンポーネント object and adds two instances of the コンポーネントホルダー class to form the tabs of the タブコンポーネント. This decision to use a single page or multiple pages is managed by the リサイジングコンプ class in the ResizingComp::resized() function.

void resized() override
if (holder.get() != nullptr)
removeChildComponent (holder.get());

auto minimumDimension = juce::jmin (getWidth(), getHeight());

if (minimumDimension >= 480)

Here you can see that we're saying a "large" screen is one that has one of its dimensions greater than or equal to 480 software pixels. Of course, you can choose a different value for your applications. The ResizingComp::layoutSinglePage() function is straightforward:

        void layoutSinglePage()
holder.reset (new ComponentHolder());

for (auto* button : buttons)
dynamic_cast (holder.get())->addComp (button);

for (auto* slider : sliders)
dynamic_cast(holder.get())->addComp (スライダー);

addAndMakeVisible (holder.get());
holder->setBounds (getLocalBounds());

Here you can see that we add all of the buttons and sliders to the コンポーネントホルダー instance and add it as a child component of our リサイジングコンプ object. The ResizingComp::layoutTabs() function is only a little more involved:

        void layoutTabs()
auto orientation = getWidth() < getHeight() ? juce::TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom
: juce::TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft;

holder.reset (new juce::TabbedComponent (orientation)); // [1]
addAndMakeVisible (holder.get()); // [2]

auto* buttonTab = new ComponentHolder(); // [3]
auto* sliderTab = new ComponentHolder();

dynamic_cast (holder.get())->addTab ("Buttons", juce::Colours::white, buttonTab, true); // [4]
dynamic_cast(holder.get())->addTab ("Sliders", juce::Colours::white, sliderTab, true);

for (auto* button : buttons) // [5].
buttonTab->addComp (button);

for (auto* slider : sliders) // [6] スライダを追加する。
sliderTab->addComp (slider);

holder->setBounds (getLocalBounds()); // [7].
  • [1]: We create the タブコンポーネント object and store it in our ホールド member using the orientation of the screen to position the tab buttons.
  • [2]: We add the タブコンポーネント object as a child component.
  • [3]: We create the コンポーネントホルダー objects.
  • [4]: We add these as tabs to the タブコンポーネント object (the final 真の arguments tell the タブコンポーネント objects that they can delete the コンポーネントホルダー objects when they are no longer needed).
  • [5]: We add the buttons to the "Buttons" tab.
  • [6]: And the sliders to the "Sliders" tab.
  • [7]: We set the size of the タブコンポーネント object to fill the bounds of the リサイジングコンプ object.

When the size of the screen is determined as "small" then the タブコンポーネント is used as shown in the following screenshot.

The tabbed interface
The tabbed interface




  • 親コンポーネントの寸法に基づいてコンポーネントを拡大縮小する基本的な方法を示す。
  • Shown how to use the アフィン変換 class to scale components.
  • デバイスの向きによって異なるコンテンツを表示する方法を紹介。
  • Shown how to use the タブコンポーネント class to distribute a user interface across several pages.
