



プラットフォーム:Windows, macOS, Linux

クラス: オーディオデバイスマネージャー, ミディメッセージ, MidiInputCallback, コンボボックス, MidiKeyboardComponent, ミディキーボードステート, コールバックメッセージ, スコープ値セッター


Download the demo project for this tutorial here: ピップ | ジップ. Unzip the project and open the first header file in the Projucer.

If you need help with this step, see チュートリアルProjucerパート1:Projucerを始める.



The demo project

このデモ・プロジェクトでは、画面上にMIDIキーボードが表示され、コンボボックスを使ってハードウェア・デバイスのMIDI入力を1つ選択することができます。これらのソースから受信した MIDI イベントはウィンドウの下部に表示されます。これは次のスクリーンショットに示されています:

The application window
The application window

MIDI input

This tutorial demonstrates how to handle MIDI input in a basic application. JUCE makes it easy to discover the list of connected hardware MIDI interfaces. It also provides the MidiKeyboardComponent class that allows you to display an on-screen keyboard. First, let's look at the member variables in our メインコンテンツコンポーネント class:

juce::AudioDeviceManager deviceManager; // [1].
juce::ComboBox midiInputList; // [2].
juce::Label midiInputListLabel;
int lastInputIndex = 0; // [3] 以下のようにします。
bool isAddingFromMidiInput = false; // [4].

juce::MidiKeyboardState keyboardState; // [5] 以下のようにします。
juce::MidiKeyboardComponent keyboardComponent; // [6] キーボードコンポーネント

juce::TextEditor midiMessagesBox;
double startTime;
  • [1]: We use the オーディオデバイスマネージャー class to find which MIDI input devices are enabled.
  • [2]: We display the names of the MIDI input devices in this combo-box for the user to select.
  • [3]: This is used to de-register a previously selected MIDI input when the user selects a different input.
  • [4]: This flag is used to indicate that MIDI data is arriving from an external source, rather than mouse-clicks on the on-screen keyboard.
  • [5]: The ミディキーボードステート class keeps track of which MIDI keys are currently held down.
  • [6]: This is the on-screen keyboard component.

In the メインコンテンツコンポーネント constructor we initialise [3], [4], and [6]. We also take a note of the application start time so we can display the MIDI data timestamps relative to this.

: keyboardComponent (keyboardState, juce::MidiKeyboardComponent::horizontalKeyboard)、
startTime (juce::Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes() * 0.001)

We must pass a ミディキーボードステート object to initialise the MidiKeyboardComponent object. And, since these are statically allocated objects the ミディキーボードステート must be listed first in our member variables.

MIDI input list

The combo-box containing the list of MIDI inputs is populated by getting the list of MIDI inputs connected to the computer from the ミディ入力 class using the MidiInput::getDevices() function:

addAndMakeVisible (midiInputList);
midiInputList.setTextWhenNoChoicesAvailable ("No MIDI Inputs Enabled");
auto midiInputs = juce::MidiInput::getAvailableDevices();

juce::StringArray midiInputNames;

for (auto input : midiInputs)
midiInputNames.add (input.name);

midiInputList.addItemList (midiInputNames, 1);
midiInputList.onChange = [this] { setMidiInput (midiInputList.getSelectedItemIndex()); };

// 最初に有効化されたデバイスを見つけ、デフォルトでそれを使う
for (auto input : midiInputs)
if (deviceManager.isMidiInputDeviceEnabled (input.identifier))
setMidiInput (midiInputs.indexOf (input));

// 有効なデバイスが見つからなかった場合は、リストの最初のものを使用します。
if (midiInputList.getSelectedId() == 0)
setMidiInput (0);

If the user changes the selected MIDI input then the lambda function assigned to the コンボボックス::onChange helper object will be called:

midiInputList.onChange = [this] { setMidiInput (midiInputList.getSelectedItemIndex()); };

The setMidiInput() function makes our application start listening to the selected device. It also enables the device if it is currently disabled:

void setMidiInput (int index)
auto list = juce::MidiInput::getAvailableDevices();

deviceManager.removeMidiInputDeviceCallback(list[lastInputIndex].identifier, this);

auto newInput = list[index];

if (! deviceManager.isMidiInputDeviceEnabled (newInput.identifier))
deviceManager.setMidiInputDeviceEnabled (newInput.identifier, true);

deviceManager.addMidiInputDeviceCallback (newInput.identifier, this);
midiInputList.setSelectedId (index + 1, juce::dontSendNotification);

lastInputIndex = index;

Handling external MIDI input

We implement the MidiInputCallback::handleIncomingMidiMessage() ピュアバーチャル function. This updates the keyboard state (which in turn will update the MidiKeyboardComponent object):

    void handleIncomingMidiMessage (juce::MidiInput* source, const juce::MidiMessage& message) override
const juce::ScopedValueSetterscopedInputFlag (isAddingFromMidiInput, true);
keyboardState.processNextMidiEvent (message);
postMessageToList (message, source->getName());

Notice the スコープ付き入力フラグ variable makes use of the スコープ値セッター class. This does the following:

  • It stores the current state of the isAddingFromMidiInput(ミディ入力からの追加 member.
  • It sets the isAddingFromMidiInput(ミディ入力からの追加 member to true.
  • When the function exits it reset the value of isAddingFromMidiInput(ミディ入力からの追加 member to the state it was in at the start of the function.

The MIDI keyboard state and component

In the メインコンテンツコンポーネント constructor the MidiKeyboardComponent object is added to our メインコンテンツコンポーネント parent component and made visible. We also listen to the ミディキーボードステート object (ない the component):

addAndMakeVisible (keyboardComponent);
keyboardState.addListener (this);

The MidiKeyboardStateListener class has two ピュアバーチャル functions that we must implement. These are the MidiKeyboardStateListener::handleNoteOn() and MidiKeyboardStateListener::handleNoteOff() functions.

void handleNoteOn (juce::MidiKeyboardState*, int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber, float velocity) override
if (! isAddingFromMidiInput)
auto m = juce::MidiMessage::noteOn (midiChannel, midiNoteNumber, velocity);
m.setTimeStamp (juce::Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes() * 0.001);
postMessageToList (m, "On-Screen Keyboard");

void handleNoteOff (juce::MidiKeyboardState*, int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber, float /*velocity*/) override
if (! isAddingFromMidiInput)
auto m = juce::MidiMessage::noteOff (midiChannel, midiNoteNumber);
m.setTimeStamp (juce::Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes() * 0.001);
postMessageToList (m, "オンスクリーンキーボード");

Here you can see how the isAddingFromMidiInput(ミディ入力からの追加 member is used. This prevents events that arrived from the hardware input from being posted to our list more than once.

Posting messages to the list

The postMessageToList() function may look a little unusual at first:

void postMessageToList (const juce::MidiMessage& message, const juce::String& source)
(new IncomingMessageCallback (this, message, source))->post();

The 着信メッセージコールバック class is a subclass of the コールバックメッセージ class. We need to use this since we can't be sure from which thread the postMessageToList() function will be called. It will be called from the message thread if the user clicks on the MidiKeyboardComponent object. But, if the data arrives from an external MIDI source then it will be called from the background MIDI thread (possibly an operating system thread).

The コールバックメッセージ class provides a means of calling a function on the message thread. The コールバックメッセージ class is a kind of 参照カウントオブジェクト class. This is why we don't (apparently) need to store the 着信メッセージコールバック object anywhere. In fact, the IncomingMessageCallback::post() function (which is the MessageManager::MessageBase::post() function) adds the object to a queue that is handled by the メッセージマネージャー class. The メッセージマネージャー class will eventually find this object in the queue and call the IncomingMessageCallback::messageCallback() function on the message thread. Once this function has been called, the 着信メッセージコールバック object will be deleted. Thus the lifetime of this object is handled (almost) automatically.



Displaying the messages

The addMessageToList() and getMidiMessageDescription() functions are very similar to these functions from チュートリアルMIDIデータの作成. The main difference is that we make a note of the source [7] of the MIDI message (which hardware input, or the on-screen keyboard):

void addMessageToList (const juce::MidiMessage& message, const juce::String& source)
auto time = message.getTimeStamp() - startTime;

auto hours = ((int) (time / 3600.0)) % 24;
auto minutes = ((int) (time / 60.0)) % 60;
auto 秒 = ((int) time) % 60;
auto millis = ((int) (time * 1000.0)) % 1000;

auto timecode = juce::String::formatted ("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d"、


auto description = getMidiMessageDescription (message);

juce::String midiMessageString (timecode + " - " + description + " (" + source + ")"); // [7].
logMessage (midiMessageString);




  • 使用可能な MIDI 入力デバイスをリストアップします。
  • MIDI入力デバイスのメニューを作成する。
  • ハードウェア入力に届くMIDIを聞く。
  • Display MIDI note data using the MidiKeyboardComponent class.
  • Post messages from other threads to be be dealt with on the message thread using the コールバックメッセージ class.
