プラットフォーム:Windows, macOS, Linux
クラス: dsp::SIMDRegister, dsp::IIR, dsp::ProcessorDuplicator, AudioDataConverters, dsp::AudioBlock, ヒープブロック
Download the demo project for this tutorial here: ピップ | ジップ. Unzip the project and open the first header file in the Projucer.
If you need help with this step, see チュートリアルProjucerパート1:Projucerを始める.
The demo project
:::noteThe code presented here is broadly similar to the SIMDRegisterDemo from the DSP Demo.
SIMD Instructions
SIMDとは "Single Instruction Multiple Data"(単一命令複数データ)の略で、最新のCPUが複数のレジスタに数値をロードして同じ計算を一度に実行することで、1つの命令をデータセットに適用できる方法を指す。デジタル信号処理の世界では、このタイプの並列処理がMIMD(Multiple Instruction Multiple Data)のような他のタイプよりも好まれます。オーディオスレッドが他のスレッドとデータの取り合いにならないようにすることが最も重要であり、オーディオ処理ではほと んどの場合、命令の順序は同じに保たれるべきである。
float calculateDSPEffect(float x、
float y)
auto z = x + (y * 2.0f);
z を返す;
xfloat xDefinition juce_UnityPluginInterface.h:191
yfloat float yDefinition juce_UnityPluginInterface.h:191
SIMDRegister calculateDSPEffect (SIMDRegister x,
auto z = x + (y * 2.0f);
z を返す;
float calculateDSPEffect(float x、
float y)
auto z = (x > y ? x + (y * 2.0f) : y);
z を返す;
SIMDRegister calculateDSPEffect (SIMDRegister x,
SIMDRegister y)
auto mask = SIMDRegister::greaterThan(x, y);
auto z = ((x + (y * 2.0f)) & mask) + (y & (~mask));
z を返す;
The IIR Filter
In the SIMDTutorialFilter
class, we first define member variables such as parameters for our filter as shown here:
dsp::ProcessorDuplicator, dsp::IIR::Coefficients> iir;
ChoiceParameter typeParam { { "Low-pass", "High-pass", "Band-pass" }, 1, "Type" };
SliderParameter cutoffParam { { 20.0, 20000.0 }, 0.5, 440.0f, "Cutoff", "Hz" };
SliderParameter qParam { { 0.3, 20.0 }, 0.5, 0.7, "Q" };
std::vectorパラメータ { &typeParam, &cutoffParam, &qParam };
double sampleRate = 0.0;
ProcessorDuplicator内にIIRフィルター・オブジェクトを定義することで、各チャンネルのprepare()、process()、reset()関数を個別に呼び出す心配がなくなり、モノラル・プロ セッサーを自動的にマルチチャンネル・プロセッサーに変換することができる。また、通過フィルタのタイプ、カットオフ周波数、シャープネスQなど、フィルタのパラメータも定義します。
void updateParameters()
if (sampleRate != 0.0)
auto cutoff = static_cast (cutoffParam.getCurrentValue());
auto qVal = static_cast (qParam.getCurrentValue());
switch (typeParam.getCurrentSelectedID())
case 1: *iir.state = *dsp::IIR::Coefficients::makeLowPass (sampleRate, cutoff, qVal); break;
case 2: *iir.state = *dsp::IIR::Coefficients::makeHighPass (sampleRate, cutoff, qVal); break;
case 3: *iir.state = *dsp::IIR::Coefficients::makeBandPass (sampleRate, cutoff, qVal); break;
void prepare (const dsp::ProcessSpec& spec)
sampleRate = spec.sampleRate;
iir.state = dsp::IIR::Coefficients::makeLowPass (sampleRate, 440.0);
iir.prepare (spec);
void process (const dsp::ProcessContextReplacing& コンテキスト)
iir.process (context);
void reset()
The SIMD-Optimised IIR Filter
Before optimising the code of our IIR Filter, we need to ensure that SIMD is available on our system. Use the JUCE_USE_SIMD
macro to check whether you are developing on a SIMD machine by wrapping the whole filter implementation like so:
static T* toBasePointer (dsp::SIMDRegister* r) noexcept
return reinterpret_cast (r);
constexpr auto registerSize = dsp::SIMDRegister::size();
struct SIMDTutorialFilter
#エンド イフ
Let's first define member variables for the IIR filter as well as AudioBlock and ヒープブロック objects to facilitate the processing at the bottom of our SIMDTutorialFilter
dsp::IIR::Coefficients::Ptr iirCoefficients; // [1]
std::unique_ptr>> iir;
dsp::AudioBlock> interleaved; // [2]
dsp::AudioBlock zero;
juce::HeapBlock interleavedBlockData, zeroData; // [3]
ChoiceParameter typeParam { { "Low-pass", "High-pass", "Band-pass" }, 1, "Type" };
SliderParameter cutoffParam { { 20.0, 20000.0 }, 0.5, 440.0f, "Cutoff", "Hz" };
SliderParameter qParam { { 0.3, 20.0 }, 0.5, 0.7, "Q" };
std::vectorパラメータ { &typeParam, &cutoffParam, &qParam };
double sampleRate = 0.0;
Define the IIR coefficients as a pointer and the filter as a unique pointer using the SIMDRegister class to wrap the sample type [1]. Create an AudioBlock to store interleaved data using the SIMDRegister class to wrap the sample type and another AudioBlock for zero data used later to store the output block [2]. Allocate ヒープブロック objects to hold the corresponding AudioBlock objects and some channel pointers with the size of the number of elements in a SIMDRegister vector [3].
In the prepare() function, set the sample rate as before and calculate the default coefficients for the filter [4]. Reset the filter by instantiating a new IIR filter with a SIMDRegister wrapper around the sample type and the coefficients defined earlier [5] as follows:
void prepare (const dsp::ProcessSpec& spec)
sampleRate = spec.sampleRate; // [4]
iirCoefficients = dsp::IIR::Coefficients::makeLowPass (sampleRate, 440.0f);
iir.reset (new dsp::IIR::Filter> (iirCoefficients)); // [5]
interleaved = dsp::AudioBlock> (interleavedBlockData, 1, spec.maximumBlockSize);
zero = dsp::AudioBlock (zeroData, dsp::SIMDRegister::size(), spec.maximumBlockSize); // [6].
auto monoSpec = spec;
monoSpec.numChannels = 1;
iir->prepare (monoSpec); // [7].
Create the AudioBlock objects for the interleaved data and the zero data by allocating the corresponding ヒープブロック objects defined earlier [6]. The interleaved data block only need one channel and the maximum block size is retrieved from the context information. The zero data block takes the size of the SIMDRegister vector and is cleared before processing. The filter is prepared by reducing the number of channels to mono on the present context information [7] as the multi-channel samples will be interleaved later and processed as one channel.
void process (const dsp::ProcessContextReplacing& context)
jassert (context.getInputBlock().getNumSamples() == context.getOutputBlock().getNumSamples());
jassert (context.getInputBlock().getNumChannels() == context.getOutputBlock().getNumChannels());
const auto& input = context.getInputBlock(); // [9]
const auto numSamples = (int) input.getNumSamples();
auto inChannels = prepareChannelPointers (input); // [10]
using Format = juce::AudioData::Format;
juce::AudioData::interleaveSamples (juce::AudioData::NonInterleavedSource { inChannels.data(), registerSize, },
juce::AudioData::InterleavedDest { toBasePointer (interleaved.getChannelPointer (0)), registerSize },
numSamples); // [11]
iir->process (dsp::ProcessContextReplacing> (interleaved)); // [12]
auto outChannels = prepareChannelPointers (context.getOutputBlock()); // [13]
juce::AudioData::deinterleaveSamples (juce::AudioData::InterleavedSource { toBasePointer (interleaved.getChannelPointer (0)), registerSize },
juce::AudioData::NonInterleavedDest{ outChannels.data(), registerSize }、
numSamples); // [14].
- [8]: First, make sure that the number of samples and the number of channels is the same for the input and output blocks.
- [9]: Next, retrieve the input block and the number of samples to process.
- [10]: For every channel in a SIMDRegister, check whether the channel is an input channel and copy the channel pointer into the corresponding ヒープブロック. Otherwise, it means that it is an output channel and we copy the zero data channel pointer.
- [11]: Now we interleave all the samples for the different channels by copying from the channel pointers ヒープブロック into the interleaved AudioBlock and specifying the number of samples and the number of channels as the SIMDRegister size.
- [12]: Process the audio with the filter using the interleaved data in a single block context with a SIMDRegister wrapper on the sample type.
- [13]: Then, for every input channel, copy the output block channel pointer into the corresponding ヒープブロック.
- [14]: Finally, we deinterleave all the samples for the different channels by copying from the interleaved AudioBlock into the channel pointers ヒープブロック and specifying the number of samples and the number of channels as the SIMDRegister size.
void updateParameters()
if (sampleRate != 0.0)
auto cutoff = static_cast (cutoffParam.getCurrentValue());
auto qVal = static_cast (qParam.getCurrentValue());
switch (typeParam.getCurrentSelectedID())
case 1: *iirCoefficients = *dsp::IIR::Coefficients::makeLowPass (sampleRate, cutoff, qVal); break;
case 2: *iirCoefficients = *dsp::IIR::Coefficients::makeHighPass (sampleRate, cutoff, qVal); break;
case 3: *iirCoefficients = *dsp::IIR::Coefficients::makeBandPass (sampleRate, cutoff, qVal); break;
The source code for this modified version of the code can be found in the SIMDRegisterTutorial_02.h
file of the demo project.
- SIMD命令の利点を学ぶ。
- サウンドファイルをIIRフィルターで処理。
- SIMDRegisterクラスを使ってIIRフィルタを最適化。